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You Are Your Only Biggest Motivation


This is my favorite pic. This is a pic that describes me best. I m clumsy, loud, minimalistic, and simple yet strong. I always had this side of me that craved when I looked at girls wearing skirts, and shorts and carried them at their best. I never wore it just because I wasn't confident enough to carry it until this day, 2 years back when I first wore a dress that was knee length. It's my FAVOURITE PICTURE🙂. A pic clicked 4 months before I got pregnant with Ruan.

The compromises I made just being obese were so many to count on, you won't believe, what this dress did to me that day. Now back to being overweight, trust me I can't wait to get back to the way I looked in this picture and RESET my goal to walk further to where I have never been with respect to my fitness goals ever in my life.

We look for motivation outside but when we sit back and revisit our inner self there might be so many tiny wishes inside which is willing to come to the surface. Trust me nothing is more liberating and motivating than doing things that YOU WANT. It could be tiny for the world but it could just bring about a tsunami of self-confidence inside you. So what are you waiting for grab that coffee, sit alone and revisit and list all those tiny tiny dreams inside of you it could be a hairdo, a vacation, a makeover, fitting into your favorite clothes, a conversation with someone you miss the most just do it and feel liberated.

One life yet many chances don't miss it this time

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