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The Sweet Danger Of Sugar


1. Can lead to weight gain:

Consuming sugar can increase your hunger and desire for food. It also causes resistance to leptin which is a hormone that regulates hunger and tells your body to stop eating.

2. May lead to heart-related disease:

High sugar diet leads to heart-related disease. Consuming too much sugar can cause inflammation, obesity, high triglycerides in blood sugar, and high blood pressure levels leading to a high risk of heart disease.

3. Increase risk for type 2 diabetics:

High sugar intake causes resistance to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance causes blood sugar levels to rise which leads to a high risk of diabetics.

4. Accelerate skin aging process:

Consumption of sugar leads to the production of AGEs ( Advanced glycation end products) which play a key role in skin aging.

5. Drains your energy:

Food that is high in sugar quickly spikes blood sugar levels and insulin levels leading to increased energy followed by a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. This leads to major fluctuations in energy levels.

Let the experience of life be sweeter than your food. Sugar is a sociopath of foods, it acts sweet.... but it's really poison. So make wise choices.

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