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Promise Me You Will Not Shrink To Please Others


People who know me have seen me in all sizes. I have gained weight, I have lost weight and post-pregnancy gained back again and again losing. The journey has been never-ending.

There was a time when this kind of change truly tore me apart. I wanted to look good to feel good about myself. Today I walked out with my kids holding a bag with a diaper, water bottle, snacks wipes with messy hair, no lipstick just holding my kids around me. Rahul out of all his love for me, said if anyone looked at you now, they would never believe you to be a fitness coach. For once look at yourself and show that love towards yourself too.

These words truly shook me. I deserve to look and feel good about myself no matter what the current shape of my body is. I just can't wait to get slim to look and appreciate myself. Self-acceptance is what seemed to be missing badly in my case.

In our society women are always instructed to possess a small figure, soften their intelligence, quit our laugh, diet down, starve and reduce.

I have spent all my life shrinking myself, and I am sure many of you are too.

Unfortunately most of the time the reason for doing this is to please others. I remember walking boldly, dressing up my best when I had leaned out and post-pregnancy all I do is hide and run away due to obvious weight gain.

But now, enough is enough.

Just remember you are worthy of every inch of space you take up. You have the right to be exactly the way you are and no one has the right to make you feel any lesser. Your BEING, your VOICE, your FEELINGS, your PRESENCE everything matters.

And your body? Girl your body does not ever have to shrink or change for someone else to feel better. Their comfort is not your concern. Your health, comfort, and happiness on the other hand, very much are.

So follow this dream or journey just for yourself not to please or answer others' ridicule. In the end, all that matters is you

Waiting to hear your stories and "I promise" as a comment below and appreciate the person you see in the mirror with your most beautiful smile.

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