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Postpartum Depression


I remember after Ruan was born he weighed around 2 kg 250 grams and was born at the start of the 9th month. I had a premature contraction and my last trimester was full of stress. Post his birth within 10 days he had jaundice which is quite common among babies. After two days of hospitalization running around with my open stitches, the dropping of Ruan's weight to 1kg 600 grams and those harsh words of my doctors to formula feed my baby. All those ruthless comments made on his weight, my recovery, and the milk supply felt as if hell has come down on me, that's exactly when I fell prey to the worst ever unknown experience of my life PPD postpartum depression.

PPD is the most common complication of childbirth having major or minor depressive symptoms that usually occurs within 1st week to 12 months after delivery. The most common symptoms include excessive crying, severe mood swings, sadness, anxiety and panic attacks, and difficulty sleeping.

There is no single cause for PPD, physical emotional, and nutritional deficiency play its role.

1. Physical: After the child is born, there is a sudden drop in hormonal levels like estrogen and progesterone in the body leading to PPD.

2. Emotional: Sleepless nights, anxiousness about your ability to care for the newborn, medical issue, stress, and outside pressure can lead to PPD

3. Nutrition: Pregnancy is a time of increased nutritional demand. Specific nutrients are needed in pregnancy and postpartum and the deficiency of these might lead to the risk of PPD. -Deficiency of Vitamin D -B vitamins include B6 and B12 and folate - Essential fatty acids - Trace minerals like Zinc and Iron. -Zinc and selenium deficiency

Combating PPD with Nutrition:

While planning your meal just keep these questions in mind:

1. Do you have a good balance of macronutrients in your meal which includes carbs, proteins, and fats?

2. Are there enough protein on the plate along with carbohydrate?

3. Are you consuming enough healthy fats?

4. Are you consuming foods that will cover up your nutritional deficiency? Make sure you eat calorie-dense food and hydrate yourself enough.

Supplements and dietary changes alone cannot cure PPD. Connect with your doctor for help, recovery, and a treatment plan.

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