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Do you think losing weight with women is easy? Every time we are progressing on inch loss or weight loss there comes a time in a month when our progress slows and stops or there is an increase in weight due to Periods.

So what happens exactly during periods which impact weight loss?

1. Hormonal fluctuation 2. Change in eating habits 3. Premenstrual syndrome PMS 4. Water retention 5. Low workouts

Estrogen and progesterone hormone is at their peak before the menstrual cycle. Progesterone stimulates appetite so we land up eating more. When estrogen drops and the bleeding starts it leads to a drop in serotonin making you crave sugar and salty items. Water retention is yet another reason why you feel bloated and heavy but eventually, this weight gained is lost post-menstrual cycle.

So as there is not much we can do with hormones but we can keep our progress going with a consistent light workout. During the menstrual cycle, the progesterone and estrogen are at their lowest making you feel tired and sluggish. Avoiding workouts wouldn't make it any better.

Instead, working out during periods helps with

1. Release endomorphin feel-good hormone 2. Reduce PMS symptoms 3. Enhances your mood 4. Reduce the pain caused during periods

Just pick up some light exercise like walking, yoga, low volume strength training, and avoid high-intensity workouts. Regular exercise can be beneficial even during this time of the month. Listen to your body if too much cramping, stop, and do when your mind and body are ready to take up the wòrkout well. The bottom line, continue with a workout and back off on the intensity. Experiment with your workout, take time to recover and celebrate what you are capable of.

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