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Last 6 month has nothing to do with your next 6 months

THE LAST 6 MONTHS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE NEXT 6 MONTHS... Jim Rohn I remember new year's eve, all ready to welcome 2020 with a list of goals all set to conquer the world, hardly did I know then what was ahead in the days to come. I am sure most of us might have experienced the same and never expected that COVID-19 would strike us and haunt our goals and trap us inside our homes. I believe I'm a very positive person, with a deep fear of my baby's future yet holding upright the positivity we so far sailed through this trauma. How long do I have to face this not sure but would I still want to deal with it the same way - HELL NO. Today I sat back through my journal and landed up accidentally on the page where I had timelined my whole goals. Looking at it my heart pinched at how helpless we were in this pandemic situation. I decided to fight back. I decided to focus on what I can control and let go of what I cant. I have reset my goals and I stumbled upon a quote "Last 6 months don't determine my next 6 months" no matter what I have gone through it's going to be a new beginning. Do read my next article where I would talk about what decisions I have made to conquer my goals and still make my 2020, a year to remember how I fought my internal wars and still succeeded in my life goals. Can't wait to make the change. To be continued....... #winfitwithvinalidate #fitnessmotivation #fitlife #healthylife

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