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The biggest excuse I find when I talk to people looking for weight loss. People are unsatisfied with their current fitness levels, medical conditions, lifestyle, and low energy levels but are they doing something to fix it?

Yes, they are just thinking but never executing!

STOP COMING IN YOUR OWN WAY! The moment you will PRIORITISE yourself you will find your own answers. Here is what I did to help myself fall on track.

1. Accept the reality: Embrace the reality and see where you stand against your fitness goals.

2. Run through your day: Just run through your day and see if there is any time you can find where you could make time for a workout. It could be your morning newspaper time, Social media time, kids' ground time, or the time you talk on the phone. Trust me there is a lot of time we utilize for not-so-important tasks in life. Utilize this time and make the best of it. Walk while you talk on phone calls, use stairs, and walk while you watch over your kids at the playground.

3. Every step counts: When I started my workout routine I was completely dependent on my baby. There were days when I reached the doors of the gym and had to return as he had woken up. Out of 7 days a week maybe I could work out only 4 days, out of an hour maybe if justified only 30 min of workout, I planned to walk a km but maybe I could only manage 500 meters holding him in my arms but still EVERY STEP COUNTS...

I know I had a huge goal of reducing 30kgs but even with these compromised efforts, I could reach at least 15 kgs. If I had prioritized my excuses would this have happened... Think about it.

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