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How To Reduce On Sugar Intake


We have already learned how excess sugar intake leads to health issues. Simply focusing on eating whole unprocessed foods helps us reduce sugar intake automatically.

Some tips on reducing sugar intake are: Drink black coffee, or black tea, or have your tea or coffee by adding stevia or erythritol, or any zero-calorie natural sweetener.

Sweeten your yogurt with fresh berries than artificial flavors or sugars.

Consume whole fruits than sweetened juice or smoothies.

Replace candy with homemade a trail mix of fruits, nuts, oats, and dark chocolate.

Avoid alcohol that is sweetened with soda, sugar, or honey.

Healthy fats like coconut oil and olive oil curb your sweet cravings.

Pay attention to the nutritional label and avoid buying food that has high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, and sucrose.

Instead of adding sugar to sweeten oats add your favorite fruit and make it more nutritious.

Now over to you…how do you curb sugar cravings?

I’d love to hear about any tips and tricks that work for you.

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