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Effects Of Sugar On Body


We know sugar is termed as a sweet poison in the fitness world. It only treats our tongue with good taste but has the worst side effects on our body which generally get ignored. Studies show that sugar is more addictive than cocaine.

Here are some points that will highlight on effects of sugar on your body:

Increase in weight: Sugar has empty calories with no nutritional value. It increases the total calorie intake and gets digested very quickly without releasing much energy making you hungry over and over again leading to overeating and weight gain.

Diabetics: It's not that sugar leads to type 2 diabetes but high calories diets lead to type 2 diabetes. In most cases, a diet high in calories is high in sugar. This can increase the risk of diabetes.

Tooth Decay: Post consumption of sugar the bacteria in the tooth form a thin player called plaque. These bacteria react to sugar present in food to release an acid which results in tooth cavities.

Heart Disease: Diets high in sugar lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and inflammation, and lead to heart problems.

Impacts on Gut Health: Sugar throws off gut health by reducing the good bacteria.

Leads to depression: High sugary food may increase the chances of developing depression leading to emotional eating.

Accelerate Skin aging: AGEs are formed by the reaction between protein and sugar in our body and play an important role in skin aging. AGE damage the collagen and elastin in the skin developing wrinkles.

Sugar causes inflammation and muscle pain delaying workout recovery.

Menstrual Problems Sugar may increase your menstrual cramping, aggregates fertility issues, and can mature your eggs.

Overloading the liver with sugar is similar to overloading the liver with alcohol- It will start processing sugar as fat.

Conclusion: Added sugar must be kept as low as possible. Sugar consumed through natural foods is well absorbed by the body. Your body is your permanent address learn to respect and take care of it with wiser food options

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