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Diet A Scary Word


I know when we use the word DIET in our vocabulary suddenly there are people growing anxiety within them thinking about all the No's, sacrifices, starvation, and all the drawback related to it. Diet has a different meaning to different people.

Diet is just eating healthy food in the correct quantity for our body to function well. Every person's routine is different so as their energy needs so will their diet. Trust me you don't have to starve to be healthy you just got to eat as per your body's requirement without compromising on nutrition or energy.


Diet is not a word used to refer to weight loss. People go on a diet to fix eating habits and make lifestyle changes. So please do not opt for diet for short-term fixes instead make lifestyle choices that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. Go for a realistic solution that does not hinder your life but complements it.

So never be scared of the word diet, it need not be strict nor drain you out. It's something you got to build making the right choices with what you treat your body with. I do my best to find a balance between my unhealthy relationship with scale and food to make sure it doesn't get in the way of having fun. Ultimately food should be fun. Balance is what makes it or breaks it.


So what's your thought on living a life of balance is it possible or a fairytale?

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