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And The Adventure Began


Gratitude has always been an integral part of my life. I remember when I quit my job in IT to take care of Ansh, my hands trembled as I wrote my resignation. My entire life seemed to scan in front of my eyes. With a heavy heart and eyes filled with tears, I decided to click on the SEND button. I felt helpless and out of control with my emotions. I escaped with a half-day from work though I had to come back for an important meeting. I remember having no place to go I just randomly decided to go to phoenix mall which was close to my office. I didn't know where to hide so bought a movie ticket for the movie "Queen" which was the next show. With absolutely no intention of enjoying the movie just to cry my heart out, I grabbed my seat. I can't thank that day, that moment that movie enough in my life, it seemed that I was destined to go there for a reason. The girl who entered inside as a victim came out with a much open mind to explore the other side of life. I was positive and happy to embrace a new life. Stand by my decision with zero regrets and had no one at the end to blame. Life brings us to many close doors, and dead ends with blur vision only to enter with a gut feeling to experience more beautiful more meaningful, and more thankful paths of life. What looked like closed doors was the door to open for a new beginning. Just walk through the fog and slowly explore the bright beautiful tomorrow on the other side. No matter what happens in life it's always and always for a better tomorrow. Accept, Embrace and move on. So what was that life-changing experience in your life which was hard to let go of and seemed worth it in the end?

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