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PCOD is a condition in which ovaries contain many immature or partially mature eggs. They eventually convert into cysts. Being overweight, junk food, and hormonal imbalance leads to this condition.

Common symptoms:

1. Irregular periods 2. Abdominal weight gain 3. Infertility 4. Male pattern hair loss 5. Excess hair growth on the face and body

PCOD is very common, almost one-third of women around the world suffer from PCOD. With the correct diet and exercise schedule, this situation can easily be improved. Those with PCOD ovulate periodically and hence have chances to conceive successfully.

Precautions to be taken while designing your diet and workout with PCOD conditions:

1. Focus on Nutrient-dense foods and stay away from fad diets.

PCOD is the language through which your body is trying to tell you to stop consuming high sugar. The key is to reduce insulin levels and cortisol ( stress hormone) levels by choosing the right food options. Green leafy vegetables, sources of various proteins, fruits, nuts, avocados, and flaxseeds help in balancing hormones.

2. Reduce foods in the diet that causes insulin spike:

Fruits instead of sugar and low GI carbohydrates should help balance insulin levels.

3. Fats are good:

Include healthy fats in your diet that helps in the absorption of Vitamins A, D, E, and K and help with healthy female hormone levels. Healthy fats mean butter, ghee, avocado, sardines, etc.

4. Balance your blood sugar levels the whole day:

Don’t starve is the key. Provide good regular interval meals to manage blood sugar levels throughout the day.

5. Hit the weights:

Exercise helps in improving the body's sensitivity to insulin. A combination of strength training and cardio like swimming, jogging walking can help with PCOD. Exercise boost insulin sensitivity lowers cholesterol, regulate hormones, releases endomorphins, and helps in weight loss.

PCOD is a lifestyle disorder that can be treated with lifestyle changes made through diet and workouts.

Weight loss can treat PCOD and promote the chances of conception or pregnancy.

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