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10k Steps At Work

Tips to Increase your step count while on a desk job:

With experience working with IT companies for over 10 years I know exactly what it feels like a ball chained to a desk not realizing that you have been staring at that screen for over 5 hours, shoulders rolled forward, stiff back, brain fried, stress building up, eyes strained and fingers crushed. This is exactly how we have been working since the pandemic started right. Do yourself a favor Get up and Move. Move your body, stretch your legs go out in sun, and fill some fresh air in your lungs. Here are some tips for my working friends to help them hit 10k steps per day. Start your day with a small walk, an extra cool down at the gym, or maybe hit the park with your kids. Set up walking meetings at work. Instead of sitting around the table asking everyone to get into comfy shoes and walk around the block or area, you sit. On a call, grab a notepad, and headphones and talk while you walk. Set an hourly reminder to remind you to get up and take a stroll maybe just on the same floor but it does make a difference. Use restroom. on a different floor or that is far away from you. Drinks lots of water that will force you to leave your seat for the washroom and add some steps and movement in place. Park your vehicles far from the destination and walk to reach there. Instead of sending emails in the same building walk down to the person with a notebook and chat instead. Post lunch walk listening to your favorite podcast or music can release some stress and make your second half more productive. Start slow and then build upon it. Grab a co-worker to join you. Your body deserves to move. So a desk job shouldn't get you away from that. So get up and walk. Do share how you manage your step count with a desk job.

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